Wednesday, February 19, 2014


The train symbolizes time because it’s moving forward. I am showing the transition from night to day, which symbolizes how we can’t control time and can’t bring back what we lost. In reality, there is no going back and the train keeps moving forward but there is time when the train does stop, just like those moments in life when all goes still. The train passing the station represents the moment when we miss our stop and we can’t go back to it until the next opportunity arrives. In life we can’t seem to fix what has been done, but can only create new moments. As my materials, I used Acrylic paint on a 14x18 inch canvas.
As the entertainment industry continues to expand, our values of time are disappearing and we waste hour after hour watching T.V. Yet again, our time is passing by, overlooked and unappreciated. We have become consumed by our addiction to electronic devices, something that can affect us later. We try to avoid reality by keeping ourselves encapsulated, and end up exhausting our time trying fixing it. We need to take more advantage of our free time because you can’t turn the clock around. I wish time didn’t get overlooked; we are growing and getting busier each second. I focused on making every minute count to get through this piece and take my own advice.

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